Friday, November 18, 2016

Need for hope

Students need to feel hopeful.  They need a sense of what is possible.  Educators can help students with specific strategies and with an intentional focus on mindset.

Growth mindset→Grit→Optimism→ Happiness→ Performance
*Growth Mindset-belief that you can grow and change (Dweck)

*Grit is tenacity and strength to pursue your long-term goals in the face of obstacles over time for something worthwhile. (Jensen)

*Optimism-see setbacks as temporary and can identify specific causes of suffering (Duckworth)

*Happiness-Optimism leads to happiness

*Performance-performance is enhanced through happiness

See connections between actions and consequences or what happens as a result of actions. (from Chapter 9-“Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” by Angela Duckworth)

Develop Hope-Growth Mindset
  1. Understand talent and intelligence can grow.
  2. Practice optimistic self talk
  3. Ask for help / Looking for mentoring

Develop Hope-Grit (p.96-97-Poor Students, Rich Teaching by Eric Jensen)
  1. Help student continually value their gutsy goals
  2. Show students what grit looks like
  3. Model Grit
  4. Teach students the ability to stay in the moment
  5. Create a grit vocabulary
  6. Assess grit
  7. Foster conditions for grit
  8. Make grit real in many ways
  9. Reinforce grit in action
  10. Give grit a chance

Don’t overreact to setbacks-learn to quickly move past setbacks and understand that setbacks are part of the learning process.

Believe that what happens in life is largely under your control.  Ten percent of life is outside of your control.  You get to choose how to react to the parts of life outside of your control.

Keep feedback on specific to effort and process rather than focusing only on results.

Recommended Reading

  • “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” by Angela Duckworth
  • “Mindset: the New Psychology of Success” by Carol Dweck
  • “Poor Students, Rich Teaching: Mindsets for Change” by Eric Jensen

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