Show me a teacher and you will show me someone who loves kids. So it follows that teachers are passionate by nature. They are driven by something that many others aren't. They are driven by service, by the desire to change lives, by a belief in the good in people, by learning, and by love.
So, why does professional learning not connect with these people with a predisposition to learning, service, and passion?
Does professional learning:
- Connect with passion?
- Keep kids at the center?
- Provide opportunities to serve?
- Make a difference to the teacher's students?
- Drive change that will benefit student's lives?
Through this summer, I intend to explore ways to personalize the learning of our teaching staff to make meaningful differences for them and for our students. This is an exploration, not an answer. I look forward to studying ways to connect district and building leaders with ways to personalize professional learning for the benefit of our students.
Leave comments for me on ways to personalize professional learning (or professional development). If you've had a great PL experience, let me know.
Leave comments for me on ways to personalize professional learning (or professional development). If you've had a great PL experience, let me know.