Catch Them Being Good
Johnson Crossing is a 5-6 building that has approximately 345 students per grade. At Johnson Crossing, we teach students positive behaviors and our goal is to reward these behaviors. We call these behaviors TIGER skills as our mascot is a Tiger. The guidance counselors and dean of students go to each team teaches the behaviors from our TIGER Matrix. When we see positive behaviors, we want to recognize kids. We want to catch the students being good. When we see behaviors that do not fall into our TIGER skills, we then address them with a replacement behavior. We are able to talk about what a student should do, not simply tell them to stop doing the bad behavior. In order to reward positive behaviors, we have developed a TIGER store and Tiger bucks.
TIGER Store and Tiger Bucks
Purpose: Reinforce TIGER skills by recognizing positive behaviors.
Each teacher starts with 30 Tiger Bucks. These Tiger Bucks are to be given to students when students display positive behavior according to the TIGER matrix. Students will not get a Tiger Buck if they ask for one. We want to randomly catch students doing the right thing. It may become common for students to ask for a tiger buck when they see somebody else get one. A good response to these students is to say “Keep doing the right thing and I’m sure I’ll catch you sometime.”
Students can trade in Tiger Bucks during their allotted time in the TIGER store. The TIGER Store will be open for 20 minutes for each of the 9 teams. Each team (of teachers) will sign up for a time during the school day that works for them.
School Store
The TIGER Store sells a variety of items. Some examples of items that can be purchased at the TIGER store include items like t-shirts, pencils, notebooks, Johnson Crossing bracelet, wear a hat pass, front of the line pass, eat with the principal certificate, etc.
School Partnerships
Johnson Crossing must partner with the community to make this store happen. The PTA and staff members have donated money and items. Several items are free such as wear a hat during school. Finally, businesses will partner and either donate money or items for the TIGER store.